The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4138103
Posted By: Rain Dog
01-Mar-22 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
BBC Radio 4 - Law in Action

Worth a listen for the following item:

"Is our democracy being eroded by the government, by reducing parliament’s opportunities for scrutiny? Two reports from the House of Lords Select Committees, titled "Government by Diktat" and "Democracy Denied", say there is an urgent need to return power to parliament. They worry about power grabs and an increased use of secondary legislation - ie laws made by ministers, that can’t be amended by MPs or peers. One recent piece of secondary legislation made it legal in England for children in care aged 16 and above to be housed in unsupervised adult accommodation such as hostels. Joshua hears from a care-experienced writer what that was like, and the risks that vulnerable children might face in such housing. The law is now being challenged in the courts."


The following article at Constitutional Law Matters
gives links to both reports, though I could not get the PDF for the Government By Diktat report to open. An online report can be found here:

Government by Diktat

It is a trend that various governments have used in the last 40 years. Of course in the last few years with both Brexit and covid, it has been used even more often.