The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165631   Message #4138234
Posted By: Joe Offer
02-Mar-22 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Songs of the Ancient Matriarch (Holly Tannen)
Subject: New album: Eat Your Triceratops (Holly Tannen)

Eat Your Triceratops

Holly Tannen presents a digital download of twelve new songs and an old one.

  1. Eat Your Triceratops - a conversation between a mother tyrannosaur and her toddler.
  2. Slithering Round Eden - the second book of Genesis from a reptilian perspective.
  3. Holio - there are many very spiritual people in Mendocino.
  4. Butterflies and Puppy Dogs - more spiritual people.
  5. Bonnie Boy - a northern California variant of a Scottish love song.
  6. The Princess and the Frog - a fairytale.
  7. Downstream from Dylan - clarifies the cause and cure of Songwriter’s Block.
  8. Redwood Blues - Do I have to get up this early?
  9. The Grateful Dead Boogie (Help the Redwoods Thrive) - “Was there music before the Grateful Dead? And why are they grateful?”
  10. Braxton Bragg - Fort Bragg is named after a Confederate general whom everybody hated, except the Union generals to whom he lost battle after battle.
  11. The House That Once Was Mine - Newcomers move into a handmade house.
  12. (Friendship is a) Sheltering Tree - A quote from Coleridge discovered on a peppermint teabag.
  13. Pardon Me, Thou Bleeding Piece of Earth - that I am meek and gentle with these butchers. (Shakespeare)

Available Beltane, May 1st, 2022, I hope.