The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171068   Message #4138468
Posted By: Donuel
14-Mar-22 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Long Night in Ukraine - Feb. 23, 2022
Subject: RE: BS: Long Night in Ukraine - Feb. 23, 2022
My Dad's Dad never really knew if they lived in eastern Poland or western Russia as they put it. Between Hitler and Stalin the family was killed off leaving only 6 who escaped to Boston. At Ellis Island they were asked their name but grand dad responded in a yiddish euphemism which sounded like it ended in ahkem so the clerk wrote down Hackman. We don't know what the actual name was anymore. We do know the euphemism roughly translated was 'stop banging my head like a teapot'. My biodad was Gene Hackman's 1st cousin so we had Hackmans on both sides of the family. So my connection with now Ukraine is as tenuous as my connection with ancient Scotland and England. The English name was Black or Blagg depending on the accent.

Putin will possibly end up with a divided Ukraine that mostly hates Russia and a few who love the Russian 1%.
China will wisely take generations to take Hong Kong and Taiwan but with more harmony over time. Putin wants immediate violent results but he will suffer from his impatience and destruction.