The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171157   Message #4139260
Posted By: GUEST,Fred
16-Apr-22 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Logging Song St. Croix Valley, MN/WI
Subject: Origins: Logging Song St. Croix Valley, MN/WI
I found a 1955 interview of a woman named Maggie Orr O'Neill at the MN History Society. As one of the very few women (she started off around 8 yo) in the camps I wanted to get more of her story. She helped as a "cookee" (sic) for her father's camp. Near the end of the interview she mentions a song she heard. She described it as "a song the river drivers, "red shirts" they were called, sang". Ever heard of it? I've done some online searching and pored through a few books I have (Pinery Boys, etc) but turned up nothing yet.

Oh I worked for Dunn and Crotty
Upon the Sand Creek drive
Where the mosquitoes were big as hummingbirds
And nearly eat us men alive