The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4139446
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
18-Apr-22 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux

Re life during pandemic (still ongoing): I fell into months of muttering "nothing matters anymore". Lower than a snake's belly. When I finally found the energy to throw a few pots, that ended and I am managing bits and pieces. The onset of something akin to spring has helped. Unfortunately, my energy level quickly dips so I spend a lot of time resting.

I no longer have any idea how much I weigh; will find out when we get to Beaver - hopefully Friday or Saturday. R cannot back out as my 2nd booster is on Tuesday - in Bancroft. And, if he wants some time alone here, he needs to ensure I have running water there.

Yesterday I managed to clear two bookshelf units so I could change their positions, hoping for more effective use of TV room - getting room for the file cabinet to fit in the corner so I can replace all the darn paper - all I cannot bear to part with, that is. Dust and a bit of mildew are involved in most of stuff from the mill. I come close to just putting handfuls in the fire bin but then I find a few notes from friends or a really interesting article. SIGHHH!

This am, I have started putting stuff back on the shelves - after getting R to remove the huge fern we wintered for the neighbours to the first floor and cleaning up the major debris from it. One clean alcove! With the stuffed raccoon back on its pedestal to greet folks coming up the stairs. Hopefully the plant will go home in a week or so!

I have taken to opening the BR window and keeping the door closed so I have a safe place from dust.

R is also de-cluttering and it is making him happy - taking huge machines to the scrap yard and clearing properties of stuff so they are salable! A major declutter!! I have been begging for it all the 12 years we have been co-habiting. He is finally realizing... He will be 75 on Monday...

Back to it!