The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4139687
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
20-Apr-22 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux

SRS! that sounds great. There is room in the freezer! And we are going to Beaver on Friday - til Tues. I have a plan!!! TY!

R did watch the youtube on using ozone AND declared is reasonable science. We do have an ozonator for a reason neither of us can remember!

Laundered bedding yesterday and asked R to help with fitted sheet - Darn thick mattress is unwieldy and too much of a struggle.

In the meantime, I have put a metal baskets of papers where ever I can find space on rads in areas I don't frequent. There are still two boxes of mixed china in the car - R needs to bring them in for me.

Lots of stuff put aside to leave permanently - going to Bancroft. And other stuff to take - never can remember what clothes I have there.

Pain in side/back has become worse; a call to the Dr. office elicits - vacation 'til Tuesday. I will go there for booster on Tuesday; the chances of talking to someone??? The nice receptionist could not even tell me they were on vacation! She put me through to voice mail which said not to leave a message. I am running out of ideas for self-care.

SO, must remember to phone for appointment to get tires changed on Mon or Tues; it was on today's "list"...! (The tires are at Beaver.) Other things did get done. I had moments of thinking to make pots but when I stood up to go do it, the energy was gone.

Snow gone! Hoping some of the seeds I threw on the ground a few days ago will have sprouted when I return. Parsley is starting to appear from last year's seeds.