NA SERA 'E MAGGIO Quanno vien'a 'appuntamento guarde 'o mare, guard’altronne, si te parlo nun rispunne, staje distratta comm'a che. Io te tengo dint’o core, sóngo sempe 'nnammurato ma tu, invece, pienze a n'ato e te staje scurdanno 'e me Quanno se dice: "Sí!" tiènelo a mente Nun s'ha da fá murí nu core amante Tu mme diciste: "Sí!" na sera 'e maggio e mo tiene 'o curaggio 'e mme lassá?! St'uocchie tuoje nun só' sincere comm'a quanno mme 'ncuntraste, comm'a quanno mme diciste: "Voglio bene sulo a te " E tremmanno mme giuraste, cu na mano 'ncopp'o core: "Nun se scorda 'o primmo ammore! " Mo te staje scurdanno 'e me Quanno se dice: "Sí!" tiènelo a mente Nun s'ha da fá murí nu core amante Tu mme diciste: "Sí!" na sera 'e maggio e mo tiene 'o curaggio 'e mme lassá?! | ONE EVENING IN MAY When you come to our meeting You look at the sea, you look away [from me] If I speak to you, you don’t reply, Your thoughts are somewhere else. I hold you in my heart, I’m still in love with you, But you, on the other hand, are thinking of someone else And you’re forgetting about me. When you say ‘Yes’ Remember this You shouldn’t kill a loving heart. You said ‘Yes’ to me one evening in May And now you have the audacity to leave me! Those eyes of yours are not sincere As they were when you met me, As they were when you told me “I love only you” And, trembling, you swore to me With a hand upon your heart: “First love is never forgotten!” But now you are forgetting me. When you say ‘Yes’ Remember this You shouldn’t kill a loving heart. You said ‘Yes’ to me one evening in May And now you have the audacity to leave me! |