The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4140173
Posted By: Monique
25-Apr-22 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
It first was a love song from the 15th century, sung in Castilian. It belongs to the traditional songs of Burgos and Cantabria.
(Traditional, 15th century)

En qué nos parecemos
Tú y yo a la nieve
Tú en lo blanca y galana
Yo en deshacerme.

A los árboles altos
Los lleva* el viento
Y a los enamorados
El pensamiento.

Corazón que no quiera
sufrir dolores,
pasa la vida entera
libre de amores.

Corazones partidos
yo no los quiero,
y si le doy el mío
lo doy entero.

You and I are like the snow
In the fact that
You are white and good looking/well dressed
And I, because I melt.

The tall trees
The wind takes them
And to the lovers,
The thought/idea/dream [does so].

A heart that doesn't want
To suffer pains
Passes the whole life
Free of loves.

Partial/incomplete hearts,
I don't want them
And if I give mine to her
I give it whole.
*alternate word "mueve" (moves)

The Quilapayún version of it is the version María Elena Walsh and Leda Vallaredes recorded in 1958, that is 11 years before the Quilapayún did and they sang the girls’ version that consists in the first two verses only.

Sheet music

Recording by Guillermo García and Ruth Waka -Verses 1 & 2.

Recording by Quilapayún Verses 1 & 2.

Alternate version with the following pattern:

A los árboles altos les lleva el viento
Y a los enamorados el pensamiento,
Ay, vida mía, el pensamiento.

The tall trees, the wind takes them
And to the lovers, the thought/idea/dream [does so]
Ah, my love, the thought/idea/dream

Live rendition by Joaquín Díaz

Live rendition by the Coro Garoé (a choir from Madrid suburbs)

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