The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25627   Message #414036
Posted By: GUEST,
09-Mar-01 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Soldier's Joy
Subject: Lyr Add: SOLDIER'S JOY (Jimmie Driftwood)
Marshall: Jimmie Driftwood's lyrics for Soldier's Joy start off like this:

Some Continental soldiers on the bivouac
Were playing stud poker in a mountain shack
But every vigilante threw down his hand
When the captain of the guard gave a sharp command

Oh, Jimmy get your fiddle out
And rosin up the bow
Johnny, tune your banjer up
We're gonna have a show
Billy, pass the jug around
To Corporal McCoy
We're gonna have a tune called "Soldier's Joy!"


There's a couple of versions of these lyrics in the DT, but one has a lot of misspellings in it.

Best wishes,
Reece Watkins