The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132764   Message #4140677
Posted By: Lighter
30-Apr-22 - 12:35 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Hard Times Come Again No More (Parodies)
Subject: RE: Lyr ADD: Hard Times Come Again No More (Parodies)
[John L. Smith, Thomas J. Hyatt, et al.] History of the Corn Exchange Regiment, 118th Pennsylvania Volunteers (Phila.: J. L. Smith, 1888), p. 105:

The much-abused army diet, which, when sufficient, was by no means distasteful, had become intolerably scant. So seriously did the larder need replenishing that the song of ‘Hard Times, Hard Times, Come Again No More’ was appropriately paraphrased in the following refrain :

“'Tis the voice of the hungry, crying o'er and o'er,
Hard-tack! hard-tack! Come again once more.
Many days I have wandered from my little dog-house door,
Crying, Hard-tack! hard-tack! Come again once more.”

(doghouse = "pup tent")