The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171214   Message #4140703
Posted By: Joe Offer
30-Apr-22 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: Deadly accordion wars of Lesotho
Subject: RE: Deadly accordion wars of Lesotho
But no, lengthy music copy-pastes have always been encouraged at Mudcat. Always. It's so frustrating to come across an interesting link and find that it's dead.
But yes, if you do post copy-pasted information, be sure to give us the URL (address) where you found it.
I have a niece who did an internship at Lesotho, and she brought back great stories. She plays the tuba, though - I've never heard her mention accordions.
Here's an interesting excerpt from entire article is interesting, but this is the part about Lesotho (pronounced luh-SOO-thoo)

Here's an example:

And another (longer, but no video):