The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171237   Message #4141018
Posted By: Felipa
02-May-22 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: A Ribhinn Oig a' Bheil Cuimhne Agad
Subject: Lyr Add: A Ribhinn Oig a' Bheil Cuimhne Agad
a love song in Scottish Gaelic


A rìbhinn òig bheil cuimhn' agad
'S a ghruagach dhonn an cluinn thu mi?
A rìbhinn òig bheil cuimhn' agad
An oidhche mun do sheòl mi?

O 's e blàths na h-oidhche sin,
Cha tèid gu brath à cuimhne dhomh;
'S ann ort a bhios mi cuimhneachadh
Gach oidhche fhliuch is reòite.

Gur fada, fada thall tha mi
'S chan fhaigh mi null a shealltainn ort
'S ged dhìrinn bhàrr nan crann aice
Chan fhaic mi beanntan Leòdhais.

A ghruagach na biodh àmhghar ort
Oir 's cinnteach tha mo làmh-sa dhut;
'S tu, a ghràidh, as fheàrr leam
Na mo mhàthair dh' àraich òg mi.

Tha mi falbh Diciadain bhuat
'S chan fhaic thu airson bliadhna mi,
'S feuch nach dèan an cianalas
Do liathadh ged is òg thu.

Nuair bhios mi gun chompanach
'S a bhios an oidhche trom orm
Bidh gealach toir nam chuimhne
Liuthad oidhche bha sinn còmhla.


Young maiden do you remember
brown-haired girl do you hear me
Young maiden do you remember
The night before we sailed

It was warm that night
The memory will never leave me
I remember you
Every cold and frozen night.

Although I am far far away
and I cannot come to see you
and although I’d climb to the top of the mast
I cannot see the hills of Lewis

Young girl do not despair        
My hand is yours most definitely
It’s you, my love, I prefer
Even than my mother who reared me

I am leaving on Wednesday
And you will not see me for a year
Try and not let the sadness of it
Turn you grey although you are young

When I am all alone [on the mast, on watch]
And the night lies heavy on me
The moon brings to my memory
The many nights we spent together