The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75028   Message #4141140
Posted By: Jon Freeman
05-May-22 - 05:31 AM
Thread Name: Tech: So how do I Linux?
Subject: RE: Tech: So how do I Linux?
Linux can be good for the elderly and non-techies. I've had my parents (now mid 80s) on OpenSuse for years. When they made the switch, they (and I with fewer "callouts") found it much better than the rather less stable Windows (although Windows has improved somewhat since they were running Win2K which was around end of life).

It probably helps to have someone around (and I live with them) who's some idea as to what they are doing with it though.

Mum's PC broke down when I was in hospital for a weeks a couple of years ago and she got the local repair guy in. As far as I understand it, he told her things were a bit old (untrue, I much later found that PC (now my desktop PC) was Win 11 compatible and the system was running the latest version of that distro - I guess he was more out of his depth than being dishonest though). He sold her (at, I think, a fair price) a used Win 10 PC which at least got her back again with web browsing and email.

She was pleased when, after a short while of home recovery, I got her back to her familiar Plasma 5 KDE desktop.