The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171284   Message #4142042
Posted By: cnd
19-May-22 - 12:04 AM
Thread Name: Help ID'ing Old Time Instrumental Songs
Subject: Help ID'ing Old Time Instrumental Songs
A few months back in a since-lost thread by our western PEI friend M Dixon about collecting local musicians' field recordings via cassette, I lamented that I hadn't been able to find any of my own despite my large collection of music -- I only had commercially available recordings.

Well now, my search is over. During a recent camping trip, I stopped in a tiny gas station in rural NC and found a cassette put out by local mandolin player "Uncle" Dave Sturgill.

Now, the thrust of my request is this: I am no good at identifying instrumental songs. Well, at least, not much good. And this being an old-time cassette, has several of them. And since many of them are live recordings, the quality isn't always the best. So, I was hoping some of the people here on Mudcat could help me identify the tunes. I've got a video posted to YouTube.


Almost all of the notes below are from Dave's introductions to each song, and can be heard on the video. Songs listed together between groups of dashes are (likely) from the same recording sessions and will have mostly the same musicians and recording date, unless otherwise noted.

His remarks are largely from memory, which has led to a few conflicts: for example, the first recording, "Chicken Pie," he says was recorded 1977, but the album it comes from (identified below) is widely claimed to have been released in 1975. I'm working on tracking down if that date is correct or not, but you get the idea.

(spelling of names is tentative -- I will try to make corrections in the coming days)

Track listing:

0:00 Introduction by Dave Sturgill        
  Tape made January 7th, 1991
  band originated from jam sessions in Dave Sturgill's instrument shop, Skyland Musical Instrument Company (opened 1971)
  eventually, regularly met on Fridays from 1971 through winter - organized band for conventions that spring
  can't remember first convention, but believes it was in Saltville, VA
  band stayed together 5 years (until 1976) - several members played in band, but Ken Powers (fiddle) & Dave Sturgill (banjo) were core
    Ken Powers - fiddle
    Dave Sturgill - banjo
  a couple of recordings are from vinyl releases, most are jam sessions or rehearsals
  once Rick Abrams (banjo) joined (1981?), Dave moved from banjo to mostly mandolin or fiddle
3:47 Chicken Pie
  recorded 1977 by Kyle Creed at New River Jam and released on New River Jam: One (Mountain Records 308, 1975?)
    original band - list from above
    Bruce Carwith - banjo, vocals
    Paul Tyke - vocals
    Ken Powers - fiddle
    Dave Sturgill - mandolin
6:29 Band History
  Original band broke up 1976 (Dave & wife taking trip west). Ken Powers took over original band, reorganized, and rennamed Grayson Highlands String Band
  Recorded 1976 at Chilhowie VA
7:21 The Eighth of January
8:43 Band History
  Skyland Strings has largely been Dave Sturgill plus "musicians around looking for somebody to play with", formed largely from jam sessions - won several ribbons
  remainder of tunes recorded at various times and places, may not necessarily be in order
9:44 Sourwood Mountain
  recorded 1974 at Virginia Highlands Community College
    Ken powers - fiddle
    Dave Sturgill - banjo
    John Sturgill - bass
    Wayne Henderson - guitar
    Caroll Henderson - guitar
12:56 Cumberland Gap
    Dave Sturgill - clawhammer banjo
    Ed Atwood - clawhammer banjo
    Wayne Henderson - guitar
15:02 Meeting Rick Abrams and The Wild Goose History
  met banjo player Rick Abrams ("a fiddle-footed Hebrew newspaperman") in 1981 while warming up on banjo at Galax Fiddlers Convention
  "we'd never met before, but I can tell you 4 hours later we were pretty well acquainted, and we've been the best of friends since then"
  When Dave was a kid, several old fiddlers played a song called The Wild Goose; Dave left for a while, and when he returned, no one played it -- the song had been forgotten
  in 1977, when Dave was on a trip out to Seattle, WA he met one of his mother's first cousins (a banjo picker) - he called in some musicians to pick with him
  the fiddler he called was from Grayson County, VA and played The Wild Goose - Dave recognized it instantly and recorded it
  Dave helped revive the tune, and when he heard Dave play it we knew he wanted to include it in an album ("The Wild Goose")
  Rick eventually recorded the album (Heritage Records HER 071, 1987) at Bobby Patterson's Galax studio
17:15 The Wild Goose
  recorded 1984 at Galax Fiddlers Convention
    Dave Sturgill - mandolin
    Rick Abrams - banjo
    Sam Holcomb - guitar
    Al Christians - guitar
    unknown - bass
  several members of Bill Cannaday's Orchard Grass sat in for Rick's recording studio, plus (insinuated) Dave Sturgill
    Tehava Conner - bass
    Ebo Clifton - guitar
20:38 ????????????
  recorded 1987 at Galax Fiddlers Convention
    Rick Abrams - banjo
    David Rainwater - fiddle
    Dave Sturgill - mandolin
    Bill Necessary - guitar
    Marty Shuman - autoharp
23:15 Raggedy Anne
    (same as above? insinuated)
    Chester Wilson - second fiddle
26:47 ?Cripple Creek?
  recorded 1984 by Bud Meineke at Galax Fiddlers Convention
    Rick Abrams - banjo
    Dave Sturgill - mandolin
    John Sturgill - bass
    Sam Holcomb - guitar
29:14 Sally Goodin
  recorded 1985 at Galax Fiddlers Convention
    most musicians unknown (8-10 total)
    Dave Sturgill - mandolin


31:32 Red Wing
  recorded 1986 by Bud Meineke at Galax VA jam sessions
    Rick Abrams - (unidentified - banjo?)
    Dave Sturgill - (unidentified - mandolin?)
    with Bill Cannaday's Orchard Grass
35:13 ?tentative - Way Down the Old Plank Road (Aunt Dinah Drunk)?
36:49 ?"Old Scottish Tune"?
  recorded 1987 at Galax VA jam sessions
    Rick Abrams - banjo
38:36 Introduction
  believed 1987 to be best assemblage of Skyland Strings group
  "next 3-4 tunes" came from that group - maybe more?
    Dave Rainwater - fiddle
    Rick Abrams - banjo
    Dave Sturgill - mandolin
    Marty Shuman - autoharp
    Bill Necessary - guitar
39:39 ???????
44:53 The Eighth of January
48:03 ???????
50:52 ???????
54:02 Down Yonder
56:55 ???????
59:09 The Little Cat Spit In The Big Cat's Eye (Grey Cat On A Tennessee Farm)

David Rainwater is from California
Bill Necessary is from Scott County, VA (mother was a Sturgill)
Marty Shuman is from Florida
Bud Meineke is from Chattanooga, TN
Bill Cannaday's Orchard Grass of Roanoke, VA
Dave Sturgill is from North Carolina