The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9195 Message #4142163
Posted By: GUEST,Marsha Grover Keller
20-May-22 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Spider's Web
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Spider's Web
So interesting how things morph over the years and tellings. Not sure if this is already well documented, but none of the words that I learned in the 70's are here. Also learned it at Liahona girls camp in No. Cal, and the midi tune posted is similar but quite different in places. We also sang is as a round, which is very pretty.
Here is how we sang it. - There's a web like a spiders web, made of silver light and shadow Hung by the moon in my room at night. IT's a web made to catch your dreams hold them fast till I awaken as if to tell me my dreams are alright.
Then - a tag after There's a web A spider's web Hung by the moon in my room at night it's a web a spider's web as if to tell me my dreams are alright.
The other person sings this - then they switch.
Down in the valley there is a meadow down by the old oak tret Down in the meadow there is a river where my dreams flow free.