The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4142224
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
21-May-22 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux

SRS! It was indeed. I planned and messaged and got it all organized ahead and the only blip was SIL who kept "not putting any pressure on you but..." The best part was my son coming out with Tenley for the Memorial, and being greeted effusively by my friend's progeny - apparently their mom kept them in touch with my life - and a few other long time no see folks. Taun was glad to see the parents of his very first playmate; I doubt he has seen Jake since they graduated from different high schools at the same time. I was down for T's grad and we went to Jake's, after the fact at Upatinas - the alternative school that started in Tina's lower, walk-out level. Those two and Tina's youngest - a year older - went to the movies together. And Tina and I had a visit. Jake is now in Colorado.

And, I have No pictures of the house and am hoping my son might. I was too stunned to even think of it. It is not large at all but the cathedral ceiling over LR and DR give it an openness and the large windows in the LR and DR - lots of light, and the beautiful trees outside that have grown up wonderfully in the 55 years. I sat on the window seat, looking at the beautiful ceiling and windows and FELT HOME. Taun remembered the window seat and looking down at the pond - he could not have been more than 2, possibly 3. I don't have the date of when we moved out, only Sara's, "You didn't want to move".

Taun, family archivist, appreciated the "treasure trove of pictures" I took him.

I am still recovering. Sorting out a few things, largely in my mind! -and sending emails, requesting vote by mail ballot for Provincial election, and enduring the heat today. Getting back to the piles of papers to sort - so many are really interesting! Too hot today to weed whack but I did pull some weeds early this am, and enjoyed the Allium - purple - just starting and some dwarf purple iris. The Roxanne geranium by the front step has not yet started but it is very healthy, a reminder of Tina who also loved it.

Messaged her eldest son and asked for email addresses for he and sibs so I can sort of stay in touch. First send them notes re their loss. George had told R how pleased they were that I had come. Makes me feel as though I matter, and R feel better about the long time away from work, a gift to me as I could not have done it alone. It was a grueling trip and I don't feel closure as much as I feel stricken by the reality - Tina is gone. The home I loved is unattainable. My bro has cancer and is doing well but, my bro has cancer. His daughter is still a mess. The 3 children of my SIL are doing great. She was a great Mom; she had terrific parents. It matters. So many feelings arising from trip.

I packed up the dry pots made before the trip and cleared the "studio" in hopes of getting more made.