The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4142355
Posted By: Monique
23-May-22 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
(Mont-Jòia version)

1. Diga, Joaneta, te vòs ti logar ?
Lalireta !
Diga, Joaneta, te vòs ti logar ?
-Nani, ma maire, me vòle maridar.
Lalireta !
Nani, ma maire, me vòle maridar.

2. Prendrai un òme que sache laurar.
Lalireta !
Prend ne un òme que sache laurar,
Fòire la vinha, meissonar lo blat.
Lalireta !
Fòire la vinha, meissonar lo blat.»

Diga, Joaneta, te vòs ti logar ?
Lalireta !
Diga, Joaneta, te vòs ti logar ?
-Nani, ma maire, me vòle maridar.
Lalireta !
Nani, ma maire, me vòle maridar.

3. Tendrem botiga, vendrem de tabat.
Lalireta !
Tendrem botiga, vendrem de tabat :
Cinc sòus lo roge, dotze lo muscat.
Lalireta !
Cinc sòus lo roge*, dotze lo muscat*.

Diga, Joaneta, te vòs ti logar ?
Lalireta !
Diga, Joaneta, te vòs ti logar ?
-Nani, ma maire, me vòle maridar.
Lalireta !
Nani, ma maire, me vòle maridar.

4. Per lo dimenge, n'aurem lo cabanon**,
Lalireta !
Per lo dimenge, n'aurem lo cabanon,
E per lo vèspre, la television,
Lalireta !
E per lo vèspre la television

Diga, Joaneta, te vòs ti logar ?
Lalireta !
Diga, Joaneta, te vòs ti logar ?
-Nani, ma maire, me vòle maridar.
Lalireta !
Nani, ma maire, me vòle maridar.

1. Tell, Janet, do you want to be hired?
Tell, Janet, do you want to be hired?
No, mother, I want to get married,
No, mother, I want to get married.

2. I'll take a man who knows how to plow
I'll take a man who knows how to plow,
To hoe the vineyard, to reap the wheat,
To hoe the vineyard, to reap the wheat.

Tell, Janet, do you want to be hired?
Tell, Janet, do you want to be hired?
No, mother, I want to get married,
No, mother, I want to get married.

3. We'll run a store, we'll sell tobacco,
We'll run a store, we'll sell tobacco,
Five cent the red one, twelve the muscat
Five cents the red one, twelve the muscat

Tell, Janet, do you want to be hired?
Tell, Janet, do you want to be hired?
No, mother, I want to get married,
No, mother, I want to get married.

4. For the Sunday, we'll have the little cabin,
For the Sunday, we'll have the little cabin
And for the evening, the television
And for the evening, the television.

Tell, Janet, do you want to be hired?
Tell, Janet, do you want to be hired?
No, mother, I want to get married,
No, mother, I want to get married.
Note that the spelling of the girl can be "Joaneta", "Jeaneta", "Janeta", "Janeto"…
*"roge", "muscat": old names of certain snuffs unless she also intended to sell wine
** "cabin": the last verse was penned by Mont-Jòia themselves, so from Provence where a "cabanon" was/is a "little cabin" (lit.) on the coast or in the countryside where people went/go on Sunday to spend some time relaxing with family and/or friends.

Alternate/additional verses
2. Amb un violonaire que me farà dançar…
Vòli prendre un òme que sache trabalhar…

3. Fòire la vinha e dalhar lo prat...
Farem botica e vendrem de tabat...

4. Cinq sòus lo roge, quinze lo muscat...
Riques e paures, totis aquí vendràn…

5. Farem un dròlle per fin de cada an...
Quand n'aurem dotze, per nos trabalharàn...
2. With a fiddler who'll make me dance…
I want to take a man who knows how to work…

3. Hoe the vineyard and scythe the meadow…
We'll run a store and we'll sell tobacco…

4. Five cents the red one, fifteen the muscat
Rich and poor, all will come here…

5. We'll make a child every end of year…
When we have twelve, they'll work for us…
Source: Anthologie de la chanson occitane, Cécile Marie, G.P Maisonneuve et Larose, 1975.

You'll find it with a score on this page of "Chants populaires de la Provence" tome 1, Damase Arbaud, 1802, where he says that the song was sung by young Savoy boys when making their groundhog dance. -Note that the spelling on this book is based on French spelling while the one I gave is in normalized spelling.

For those who know French:
Wikitrad" page of "Diga Janeta".
A pdf with a score, some background and an alternate verse 2 that goes "Un violonaire te farem donar… De violonaire, ieu ne' vòli pas" (We'll have you given a fiddler… A fiddler, I don't want him)
More information about the song and its variants on Thibault Plantevin's valuable website Zic Trad.

Recording by Mont-Jòia
Recording by La Ferigouleto
Recording by Mezzaluna Tarbes
Recording by Lhi Balòs
Recording by Hombeline

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