The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171302   Message #4142661
Posted By: Jim Dixon
27-May-22 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: A. R. U. (from Carl Sandburg)
A search of Google Books turned up the following:

From The Conductor and Brakeman, Vol. 15, No. 5 (Cedar Rapids, Iowa, May, 1898), p. 359.

The following was handed us by one of the “profesh,” which may be of interest to some of the old-time “rocks” that have been through such waves of prosperity:


I have been on the “hummer” since ’94;
Last job I had was on the “Big Four.”
Lost my office in the A. R. U.,
And won’t get back ’till 1902.
Been all over the Texas plain;
Hit every “yard boss” and master of train.
Tried the Great Northern and the M. K. & T.,
The Gulf, Colorado, and Great Santa Fe.
But I’m still on the “swine run,” flagging for meals,
And riding the brakebeams, close to the wheels.
My clothes are all ragged and chuck full of stains,
And my long-tailed coat is faded from rains.
Now, I wish I had my old office back.
I’d pay up my debts and be a good “shack.”
So, now, Mr. Trainmaster, I guess I will go,
I have told you my sad little tale of woe.
It’s a job I’m in search of, and I’m not in fun,
But I’ll not refuse a piece of your “mon’,”
So if you have nothing for me to do
No more this little old rag will we chew.
With a happy heart I’ll go my way,
And call again some other day.

Denver, Col. - Hot Tamales.[*]

[* Hot Tamales seems to be the pen name of the person who submitted the poem to the editor.]