The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4142846
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
29-May-22 - 09:30 PM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux

TV? Some years ago, we graduated from the impossibly heavy old TV to a flat screen - not huge. R connected it to an aerial and we get 3 English channels. I can also connect my computer to it but so find it hugely helpful. My son did fix me up with Apple TV and I can access a great number of programs that we enjoy. It has helped my sanity through the Covid.

Corelle: never have had a single piece.

Yard: Making progress on the weed whacking. Today came to realize there is some Wild Parsnip - a seriously toxic plant. I whacked it from a distance - lengthened the handle to max. Will not go to that part of the yard for quite a while. It is "way over there", not where we usually do anything at all. I have preserved a sizeable patch of yarrow - cutting the grass above the yarrow.

Today drove down to southern QC, took Rita a few pieces of rhizomes of a beautiful yellow iris. Then picked up my order of plants at the Jardin de Resistance. Managed to get some in the ground and do more whacking before the mosquitoes drove me inside.

This week: Cleared the back hall of plants and their fallout, cleared some of the china that was homeless into homes and some into "to go". Laundry caught up. House is tolerably tidy and clean; would like to do better.

Thought I would leave for Beaver on Monday but plants need planting! Then, this moment, I realize R has a major event on Tuesday so I shall stick around to see how that goes.