The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4143425
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
05-Jun-22 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Dorothy, your remark about not knowing if the power had been off reminded me that I haven't heard from my battery backup for a long time. I evidently forgot to install the software when I rebuilt the operating system, and now that it is installed it can't find the device. The USB cable is connected. Maybe when the computer reboots they'll do a handshake? I can program it to do various things, and tell it how long to stay on before it shuts down the computer if the power is out, etc.

It also used to tell me any time the power went out, and it occurred to me if you had an uninterrupted power supply with the same software it could email you when the power goes off and back on. Something to fuss with another day. At least I've identified that it needs attention, but get in line!

My newest raised bed is near completion as far as moving soil from the old bed into it. I picked up more free mulch today that will be enough for other beds, I'll have to make another trip for this one. I disturbed a healthy large (in relation to its species) rough earth snake (about 12" long) in a shovelful of dirt. It lay on the new bed quietly and I carefully tossed soil over it. I still have more soil to move from the old bed, and that will go on top of the other beds in areas where they aren't planted or mulched yet.

After our big rain a couple of days ago I think now is a good time to use my burn barrel. I'll pull out the papers I want to get rid of and set up the bricks in the morning.