In a conversation today with staff who facilitate the group-therapy work and attend to resident patients in general, it came up that since my admission here -- which coincided with the pandemic lockdown for the coronavirus -- the medical office at the clinic, that's the office that is NOT psychiatric but that provides medical care of other sorts for patients, has been through a turnover. By this I don't mean those physicians who give us patients physical exams and treatments. I actually mean the medical office nurse, the medical records keeper, and the office receptionist. This is noteworthy because all three of these, when I was admitted, were women who had been on the job for decades here. And suddenly all three were no longer there. True, one of them had her retirement year/date already set. But another of them, considerably younger, quit outright. So suddenly the clinic found that it had to re-staff this office altogether.
This came up because the new receptionist is having trouble fitting in. This new employee knows the job and all, but the culture at this particular clinic is a challenge for them. Earlier today, a fellow patient was positively distraught because the receptionist had left a voice mail for the patient, which crossed a confidentiality boundary, AND a third party was named. It all reminded my fellow patient of the dysfunction in her own family of origin, and right now the patient is deep into the family-therapy work sessions in which her parents are fighting tooth and nail with her and her clinicians, and the stress of it is literally making her physically ill.
There's always something to struggle over, seems like. It just gives me something to brood over.