I shed the presidency of the choir in favour of taking over its library, only to find that the MacBook Pro in which its records are kept hasn’t had an update to its operating system since 2017. That’s like never changing the oil in your car.
So it’s in the hands of the local computer genius, who promised its return by tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I want to run a database on it … not possible with an antique OS.
Meanwhile, I had to do a major security overhaul, changing most of my passwords because Apple Mail won’t tolerate any password that even resembles one used on Amazon. That took a ridiculous amount of time to complete, and some of the gadgets are still complaining.
Despite the continuing ache in my back, today I intend to visit the dump. But first — to Canadian Tire to purchase a new tarp! There’s no way I’m loading all that crumbling rubber carpet padding in my nice, clean car without something to keep the fall-out under close arrest.
House repair is a constant theme here, too. My mouldy bathroom is getting worse — the mould has migrated from the shower wall to the toilet, where it grows on the underside of the seat and must be kiboshed with bleach every week or so. Remediating that mess will cost what it costs, and it’s increasingly urgent. I just made another appeal to the contractor, this time by email.
I don’t even care any more about making that bathroom all stylish and modern; I just want it fully functional and not a public health hazard.