The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31516   Message #414464
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Mar-01 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: BUSH-tipping
Subject: RE: BS: BUSH-tipping
Good one, flattop!

MAV - I feel that it is time I let you in on a deep, dark secret that may save your soul. I'm only doing this because I am that rare type of person who has compassion for both liberals and conservatives (despite being a radical-spiritual-leftist by nature who believes in both God and socialism....go figure, eh?)....

The fact is, MAV, the whole Mudcat Cafe, like other liberal-dominated talk forums on the Net, is a sort of elaborate Venus Fly-Trap meant to snare unwary conservatives and then waste their time and energy, so that liberals can take over the world.

You see, conservatives are basically men of action. They prefer actions to words, unless they're in church. Liberals, on the other hand, are very wordy people, and they are, of course, totally unscrupulous in their use of words. They can do any amount of talking and still keep walking.

By having forums full of ultraliberal opinions they lure the aforementioned unwary conservative away from what he should rightly be doing...transforming society into a conservative bastion of righteousness through forthright political action...and they lure him into endless, useless debating which eats up his time, saps his energy, and burns up his brain cells...all to no purpose whatsoever...except this: The advancement of worldwide liberal hegemony and the corruption of traditional moral systems everywhere.

Conservatives in Russia fell for this kind of devious routine, and it led to the breakup of the Warsaw Pact and the end of the Cold War! Conservative socialists everywhere have also fallen prey to this insidious liberal scheme, I regret to say, and that's to say nothing of capitalist American conservatives, who are real suckers for liberal talk forums. It's a sad story.

I advise you to get off this forum while you still have some measure of sanity left, and get back to kicking ass (to use an American expression) in the real world where a conservative can actually accomplish getting rich.

As for me, I lost my sanity long ago, partially due to Mudcat, partially due to repeated airings of "Achy Breaky Heart", but you can still save yourself....

For God's sake, kick the addiction now before it's too late!!! Don't touch that mouse!

- LH