The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170917   Message #4144946
Posted By: MaJoC the Filk
20-Jun-22 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: MaJoC's ditties
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: MaJoC's Ditties
As perpetrated at last night's Singaround. When I played it live at the Acoustic Room, I got accused of being well-read, which I still find mystifying.

by; Dr M J Carter
Tune: Dedicated Follower of Fashion, by The Kinks

They phone him here, e-mail him there
Allowed to talk, but never swear
He knows next to nothing but he's learning on the job
       as this week's Designated Answerer of Questions.

His hamster-wheel goes spinning round:
[spoken] "He sounds polite, but is he sound?"
[sung] Calls it "delegation" but he knows it's "pass the buck"
       when he plays Designated Answerer of Questions.

Oh yes he is (oh yes he is), oh yes he is (oh yes he is)
Finds it both efficient and effective
Not to know the answer but to know a man who does
       when he plays Designated Answerer of Questions.

Oh yes he is (oh yes he is), oh yes he is (oh yes he is)
Muckin' out the inbox of Augeas
So much user feedback even Hercules declined
       the task of Designated Answerer of Questions.

They phone him here, e-mail him there
His turn's come round, he does his share
Triaging the army of the seldom-satisfied
       as this week's Designated Answerer of Questions.

Oh yes he is (oh yes he is), oh yes he is (oh yes he is)
When he gets it right he is invisible
He's remembered only when his answers hit the fan
       and he was Designated Answerer of Questions.

Oh yes he is (oh yes he is), oh yes he is (oh yes he is)
[spoken] Welcome to the world-view of the goldfish
Right up there where ev'ryone can mock your ev'ry move
       when you are Designated Answerer of Questions,
       This week's Designated Answerer of Questions,
       [sung] He's a Designated Answerer of Questions.

This parody Copyright © 2009, 2022 Martin J Carter

.... Since the original context was first-line responder duties at my last place of employment (with flashbacks to the job before that), I suppose this can be called a work song.