The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164095   Message #4145834
Posted By: Senoufou
29-Jun-22 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mad Swans, blue tits, and others
Subject: RE: BS: Mad Swans, blue tits, and others
Goodness Dave, that list of birds tallies exactly with the species I get on my front lawn every morning! I'm always pleased to see sparrows, as they've been scarce until recently.
'My' starlings are 'yobs' too. They descend in droves and grab all the sultanas. But a gorgeous black-headed gull comes down on its own to have some of the bread.
I've noticed the jackdaws/crows are bloomin' greedy. They scoop up as much as they can get in their giant beaks, fly on to my roof and gobble it up. The other birds are a bit scared of them.