The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170917   Message #4145861
Posted By: MaJoC the Filk
29-Jun-22 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: MaJoC's ditties
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: MaJoC's ditties
Sung by Herself at last Monday's Singaround.


Nicola and Martin Carter
Tune: Cwm Rhondda ("Guide me oh thou great Jehovah")

She's the shark and we're the minnows,
Will we all be swallowed up?
She will talk of days of glory
While her wide boys make their buck:

Soak the paupers,
Soak the paupers,
       Bleed them till they vote for more,
       Bleed them till they vote for more.

Hospitals and education,
Crushed beneath her iron heel;
Lawyers, crooks and city slickers,
all who profit from her deal:

       Keeps the masses in their place,
       Keeps the masses in their place.

Now she's won the Great Election
Pack your bags and head for hell;
With her dreams of Cruise and Trident
Soon she'll join you there as well:

       All she'll ever give to thee,
       All she'll ever give to thee.

This parody Copyright © 1987 Nicola and Martin Carter

* The date of composition was just before the tories' third term in office under She Who Must Not Be Named, with one line changed afterwards. (Or was it their second? missing-hard-copy error.)
* Credits are split: Herself started it; I just finished it off.
* When I sing it, the first line of the last verse is "Now democracy's been Murdock'd".