The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4145968
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
30-Jun-22 - 11:44 AM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Ouch, Keb! It seems to take forever for cracked toenails to heal. And when you have anything done on your foot (bunion surgery here) it takes longer to heal before they remove stitches, etc.

Overnight the Benadryl and hydrocortisone ointment helped my knee. It's still an complex-looking wound, pink around the outer edges and scaly from the glue and such, but it is better. The itch was so intense at times when the bandage was on that I was sure it must be infected, but that appears not to be the case. PT arrives in about 30 minutes so I've taken my pain pill to help me get through the session.

So Don has his own stack of stuff to list on eBay, like I do. I have to look at the existing listings (there are a few that have been up for a while with no activity) and get ready to generate new ones. Shall we each try to list four new ones in the next week? (Weekends off for good behavior and there's a holiday).

I'm looking back at earlier thread posts - Charmion, did you get yourself that folding work table, or has someone helped you move the one from the basement upstairs? I cleared off my dining table to do the eBay work, no extra tables coming in for this job. Senoufou, you were lurking, I think, when you mentioned your husband's boxes of stuff that might possibly return. Are you working on any of your own projects in the meantime? And Dorothy, tough to keep up, but I think she's at Beaver now working on various projects and weeding the garden and harvesting a few things. What's up?

Any other lurkers want to drop their cloaking devices and report in? What do we all have planned for July?