The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4146337
Posted By: Donuel
05-Jul-22 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
I don't do diaries but I do make memo books.
This mornings collection will be transferred here verbatim;
The Court sez Corporations are people, does that make the NRA and GOA people of interest?

Please observe a momment of silencers.

Come for the holiday mass shooting stay for the funeral snacks.

take me out to the gun store
get me one maybe 2
buy me some ammo a couple stacks
then off to the park to start the attack
shoot, shoot shoot
its a gun thing
mental illness we'll blame
and its one more mass shooting here
its a US game

Teachem yung make 5 year olds shoot

People armed with information are dangerous
buy guns

Guns a' Gore Ammo Store.

Guns and Butter:
All mass shooters ate butter. BAN BUTTER

All abortions start with sex, BAN SEX

Your kid was an honor student. ban AR 15s

oops brb