The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16903   Message #4146524
Posted By: GUEST,Marcia Segal
06-Jul-22 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: Indian Neck Memories
Subject: RE: Indian Neck Memories
If anyone still visits this thread and is interested: there are two collections at the American Folklife Center with Indian Neck recordings (and some from The Exit and elsewhere): one is the Indian Neck Folk Festival collection (AFC 2016/002) and the other is the Christopher Moore collection of Indian Neck Folk Festival and other recordings (AFC 2016/055). I'm processing the second one. Sadly, Chris Moore passed away a few months ago. Many people mentioned and/or posting here are in the recordings. The recordings aren't online but if you have questions you can email me (mseg at loc dot gov) or folklife at loc dot gov.

Good music, good times.