The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170917   Message #4146708
Posted By: MaJoC the Filk
08-Jul-22 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: MaJoC's ditties
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: MaJoC's ditties
I intend to perpetrate the following fragment at next Monday's Singaround while it's still relevant ....

(Dr M J Carter)

Tune: Lerner and Lowe: I've grown accustomed to her face
(from My Fair Lady)

Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn --- [click]

I've grown allergic to his face
His stutter when his speech begins
I've grown allergic to the way
        he blethers night and day
He laughs, he cries,
        his greed, his lies

Are so repulsive to me now
He's really got beneath my skin

Whenever he comes on,
        then I turn off the TV set;
Somehow I would love to watch
        the news again ....
                and yet

I've grown allergic to the taste
        of bullshit in the air,
Allergic to his

This parody Copyright © 2022 Dr M J Carter (plus whoever helps complete it)

I really do have this problem with certain politicians' faces, to the extent that I have a book handy to push over their pictures whenever I'm reading the paper. It was started last Wednesday evening; by the Thursday lunchtime, it had been outpaced by events faster than I could have wished; but by that evening, it was clear that the right dishonourable cuckoo has wedged himself into the nest.

I admit this is incomplete. All contributions gratefully received.