The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31350   Message #414735
Posted By: MAV
10-Mar-01 - 01:06 PM
Dear Little Hawk,

"I think that there have always been individuals in both parties who took a racist or authoritarian stance, while there have been others who did not"

Yes, but the democrats are the traditional racists. Even today they treat their duped minorities like crap by taking their vote for granted and most recently placing the clinton pick (Terry McAlluff) in charge of the DNC and throwing Maynard Jackson on his @$$!

"Your historical examples are interesting. It's more what the respective parties are doing right now that would concern me, I guess, but I still don't have much faith in either one of them, although there are plenty of good people in both"

OK.......the democrats are still racebaiting (ala Jesse and the NAACP dragging ad) and the other aforementioned democrat racists Alabama's George (murdering racist) Wallace, South Carolina's Senator Ernest (confederate flag) Hollings and x-Klansman Bobby Jim Karl Byrd, Senator from West Virginia (the so-called "Conscience of the Senate")

W has picked HIGHLY QUALIFIED ethnic minority members and placed them in PROMINENT POSITIONS in the cabinet. This puts them up before the black community as role models and demonstrates achievement will be rewarded by the GOP. He also has been meeting with the black clergy of the US thus by-passing and undercutting the enraged "Civil Rights Leaders"

"I think a system without political parties of any kind whatsoever would be a far better one. When we vote for the Orillia town council, there are no political parties to vote for, just individuals"

Why? In this country we have a system of checks and balances. When the two parties are alike, the term "bi-partisanship" can occur and real mischeif could result. I hate bi-partisanship.

In NE, the Unicameral Senators are non-partisan, but you can tell who's who in a real hurry. The town elections in rural states are also often non-partisan.

"Accordingly, those individuals are free of the influence of a party machine"

As a result they may also be free of any clue to the voters as to whom they will serve, government or citizens.

When there are real ideological differences between the parties they tend to keep each other from straying too far from center. Right now we are pretty well to the left but heading towards the right.

"Thank God. Party machines rapidly become self-serving entities, rather than public servants"

I disagree (of course)

The democrats claim to serve victims (name a category there's a program) but they actually cater to self-serving bureaucrats (the public sector)who consume most of the loot confiscated from the taxpayers.

The bureaucrats represent most (85%) of organized labor/crime membership who's campaign contributions go 100% to the democRATs.

The GOP serves the private sector (citizens and business) who are under constant persecution by the various layers of parasitic regulatory and taxation authorities.

Business contributes about 60% to the GOP and 40% to the RATs (probably as protection money, just like Rainbow PUSH)

Too bad we can't convince business to give us 100%.

mav out