The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4147432
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
15-Jul-22 - 09:54 PM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux

I have had great success with magnesium for cramping; I keep a bottle of "Calm" on the bedside table with a spoon in it (powder); if I get a cramp in the night, I take a swig of water(also next to the bed) and throw a half spoonful of powder in after it, more water, swish it around and the cramp ceasing in less than a minute. If it were a frequent problem, I would try to remember it before going to bed!

Charmion: sure you have been on 7 and passed the route to Madoc. If you happen by at lunchtime, Tues- Sat, they have interesting sandwiches and salads, good soups, lovely scones and other interesting goods at the Goldmine - about 3 minutes from the intersection, on the main st, across from a nice used book store. It is a treat,

Hot weather is not a treat! I have been fortunate here this few weeks. I carefully close drapes on the sunny sides and open them as the sun moves around the house. Then open the doors if as it cools in the evening - which it still does! I see a hot spell coming in a few days and shall have to plan. Love SRS' outdoor shower! I will think on that. No outdoor hose connection... I have two rain barrels collecting from eavestroughs - we have rain!!! The one on the south side of house is warmish. It is convenient for washing residual clay off hands before a final wash in the house. Keeping the clay out of the septic is important.

I, too, rather miss the Great North West!

This morning I got a sneaky urge to clean out the K cabinet that contains all those plastic containers and bottles and baking pans. Three healthy mice jumped ship in the process! I even got down on my knees to wash the cabinet floor, observing carefully that I would be able to climb back up off the floor. I did not actually throw much out but it is organized and there is room left over! Space for the buckets of flour, popcorn and beans!

I have lots of pottery ready to fire but the floor is not repaired yet. There is no room for more! I will see BJ at Market tomorrow. Steve has still not cut the back yard... I have lovely wildflowers in the small section I asked him not to cut - daisies, red clover, something blue, brown eyed Susan and a lot of buckwheat in bloom.

The sorrel is happy with its grooming; I throw some in each cooked meal; today I put a bunch in the freezer on a tray; I will bag it and do another batch tomorrow. The resident woodchuck can sometimes be observed grazing, moving about and picking each tidbit like a fussy eater! Not in the raised beds!

I harvested 3 small strawberries - total! Tasty but... Planning to feed them well in the near future so they can do better next year!

R actually went for groceries last night at the time of least customers and just called, full of what he is cooking! He is feeling better and sounds better but still has a faint line of the test so staying away from people. Tomatoes in the garden are producing slowly so he has had some. AND was excited to tell me the tiny pear tree we have been nurturing for two years, and planted in front garden in May, has a new leaf! It has lost all of its leaves and we feared lack of water.