The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31779   Message #414797
Posted By: Naemanson
10-Mar-01 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Eat your vegetables -- deliciously!
Subject: RE: BS: Eat your vegetables -- deliciously!
You know, you wander away from the Mudcat at your own peril. I innocently posted my insult to okra and then didn't check this thread for a while. And while I was blissfully watching the @#*!!**@$# snow fall you guys were talking about snot with seeds, skunk farts, finger painting with fecal matter, migraine drugs, etc.

In answer to Carol's question, I always thought the shape of okra indicated that it had been squeezed out of a tight sphincter and the texture indicated that the experience had not been pleasant. I like Jeri's description of snot with seeds though.

Oh, and I have printed most of the recipes. I will be trying a few of them soon.