The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171399   Message #4149119
Posted By: Ebbie
03-Aug-22 - 05:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Roe v. Wade
Subject: RE: BS: Roe v. Wade
MaJoC the Filk - PM
Date: 03 Aug 22 - 03:29 AM
Georgia residents can now claim embryos as dependents on their tax returns, after the state banned most abortions. Taxpayers filing from 20 July or after, when Georgia banned abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, can now receive up to $3000 in tax credits. Tax filers may be asked to provide documents proving that the embryo has a "detectable human heartbeat".
One problem is that lower income tax payers typically take the automatic deductions, it doesn't benefit them to itemize.

Subject: RE: BS: Roe v. Wade
From: Pete from seven stars link - PM
Date: 20 Jul 22 - 04:40 PM

Rape is a hard one, but why should a baby pay for the transgression of the man. Pro abortion usually appeal to the hard cases, but usually they are pushing for abortion on demand . Some say a man shouldn’t have an opinion on a woman’s issue , but of course there’s other lives involved , and it’s hardly only men who speak out for the defenceless in the womb.

#1: It is NOT the baby who pays (there IS no baby until later in its development- even God, when he created Adam didn't call the job finished until he BREATHED life into him)- it is the female body and the emotional, psychological and physical trauma that pays.

#2: I can't fathom any system that demands that a body should carry a fetus that was created by rape, whether forcible or statuatory, to term. FORCIBLE rape is an absolute horror. Statuatory rape indicates that either the female was too young to give valid consent or that by reason of a mental or emotional disorder the female was not capable of giving valid consent.

#3: Men have no frame of reference in understanding this issue. The men of the Supreme Court should have recused themselves in the matter; it should have been debated and decided upon solely by the three women Justices. (Of course, if that stipulation were made, the question would not have been accepted for review.)

#4: I share someone else's proposal: Young men should be given a mandatory vasectomy. When they have demonstrated the maturity and the ability to take on responsibility, the vasectomy can be reversed. That suggestion is no more outrageous than what is being demanded of the female body.