The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171399   Message #4149189
Posted By: Donuel
03-Aug-22 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Roe v. Wade
Subject: RE: BS: Roe v. Wade
My ego is outside the door but still alive so I enjoy saying "I told you so". NASA now begins public UFP investigation. They need to search their archives first. I'm afraid they may find their data is missing like the pentagon and Secret Service. This process was stalled by the fact trump was in office. He could have royally screwed up disclosure in ways that were unpredictable.

I am particularly delighted that the reversal of the american academy of sciences regarding ufo's virtually exonerates my friend Dr. J Allen Hynek who was snubbed and 'excommunicated' by them 3 decades ago.
Sacred facts are crippled and slowed by assholes.

The late John of Kansas often mentioned that Kansas folks are not the same crazed creeps that live in Oklahoma and Texas. I am not surprised by the win to protect abortion but the margin is unheard of in this time of close elections and amendments.