The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4149276
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
04-Aug-22 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux

Yep, I made it! the dentist cancelled while I was in the library working with Shirley to print out my Primary ballot - last day! We won; it's sent! Then went home and put the food in the car and left with a planned stop over to visit a fav musician. We had never really talked before but we have friends in common and met at the 50th Yellow Door party. We spent about an hour chatting on his home hill surrounded by TALL grass, lovely breeze, interesting house. Interesting person. By the time I got home, there was a sweet email thanking me and "visit any time". I shall. I see lots of good conversation in our future. He also suggested the phone; I may try it to see if I can understand him on the phone. When I am feeling more recovered. There is another resting aft in my future!

Upon arrival at Dupont, I phoned R and asked him, "Where are you taking me to dinner?" He came home and we went to a middle of the road place five minutes away. Shocked the waitress by asking her to keep a distance due to perfume - a toxic substance for me. The meal was as good as expected. We had eaten there a couple times pre--covid at a dif locale. The new one is very nice, and closer! Without covid, we would only eat out a few times a year. Love the Greek potatoes but gave R most of mine. Still holding at 165... Just!

Back home, we proceeded to get used to sharing a house for the first time in two months. Only a few plants died of neglect. The back garden - tomatoes and veggies - was dry!!! I told him he would have had more tomatoes if he had watered. We watered some in the am, trying to get the system to function correctly. I cannot turn it on or off so could only water when until he went to work. Rain in the night has prob helped some. R is NOT a gardener. He likes to pick the tomatoes...?

So with encouragement from those of you who have ordered clothes on line recently, I spent most of last eve looking at shorts at The Bay, on sale at 4x what I would have paid the last time - 20 years ago! I ordered 3 dif pairs to fill the need for cool and comfie, with hope they will be comfie. Hope I do better than SRS!

Spent yesterday aft in bed, resting but not really sleeping; too tired to do anything - even read! Then did two loads of laundry including sheets and re-made bed. Also have washed the entire collection of cutlery; it was ALL in the sink but unwashed. I explained to R that it is easier to wash right away before things adhere! And I found the source of "smells like a mouse died in here" when I opened the toaster oven and there were 3 extremely moldy, fuzzy pork chops that he had "forgotten" to cook - I would guess at least a week ago. I was so exhausted I just put them out on the back porch and now have to deal with FLIES when I go out to move them to..Where? The garbage I guess. Maybe I shall ask R to do it tonight! "Not my monkies..."!!!! It is too hot to go outside.

SIL phoned a few days ago; her daughter/best friend has Breast cancer. As a top notch nurse she will be getting top notch care. I talked to her yesterday and and testing shows it less horrible than first thought. I gave her permission to phone anytime of the day or night if she needs to talk - after commenting to her recently my annoyance with a friend who phoned after midnight.

The oven seems to be malfunctioning and 3 of the four range top "burners". So I need to take that into consideration when shopping and thinking about what we will eat. Too hot for the oven anyway! But We have to consider a repair - It's a Jennair and has very nice features but I expect a repair will be $$$$$$! But taking it out will not be easy as is has an exhaust fan that has a tube to the outside - under the porch! R believes Dan can look at it and figure it out; maybe he can...WHEN! I have been spoiled by 3 years of this magic stove!

I have not watched TV in two months and have no wish to do so now that one is available again. I did message the chimney sweep for here and did message Steve re the pink flowers - just do the part he did before and some of the tall stuff. I really did not like having the back unmowed all summer;I could not walk out there, could not see my beautiful bridge or any of the wee stream! Next year it all needs to be cut in May!

My dear 90 year old friend for whom I pushed the family to put her into a proper long term care home - a good one - last fall, has not phoned. I connected with her ex-DIL and find: she has good days and bad days - Thankful she is is a good place! - and her dear house is for sale. I suggested the whole family could get together and buy it and rent the cottage and the house and designate one member - the accountant grandson? It is just under $500,000. The son is upset about it but his alcohol problem has seriously affected his quality of life - that leaves the three competent kids. K thought it was a good idea; I hope I did not open a can of worms!