The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171399   Message #4149413
Posted By: Helen
05-Aug-22 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Roe v. Wade
Subject: RE: BS: Roe v. Wade
You can see that I wrote the word "contraception" with quotation marks so I was playing with the word to get my point across, but also the term is taken to mean preventing pregnancy however the term for getting/becoming pregnant is "conception" or "conceiving" from the Latin root "con" i.e. "with" and "capio" i.e. I capture.

According to Etymology Online the word "conception" in relation to pregnancy was not used until the 14th Century.

Other related words are "concept", "inception", "accept", "precept", etc.

"Contra", on the other hand means "against" so it has been used to imply actions taken to prevent pregnancy however technically the term perhaps should be "contraconception" which is unnecessarily unwieldy but would mean (action) against conceiving or becoming pregnant.

Technically, an abortion is a procedure to prevent birth at full term.

My use of the term "contraception" in relation to abortion was technically not correct which is why I used quotation marks and that shows that I was aware of that.

Now, Steve, if you would like to stop doing your usual pedantic superiority act about terminology and get back to the topic at hand, that would be nice.

I notice that when vasectomy was mentioned, it suddenly became personal to you.

Abortion, unwanted pregnancy, and all of the related emotional and social and economic issues is personal to the women experiencing it and the people around them. It's not an impersonal topic for standing on a soapbox and declaiming and theorising. It requires empathy, understanding and social and emotional support for the people experiencing it.

You can declaim your theories as much as you like but what I notice is missing from your posts is empathy.