The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4149465
Posted By: SPB-Cooperator
06-Aug-22 - 03:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
You are the one who tried to justify exponential increase in wealth in the face of a crisis where by this winter millions of working people, people on STATE pensions, people with disabilities or long-term limiting conditions, people who are in full time employments but still relay on UC to pay their rent and childcare, are unable to find work etc. are likely to have to make choices of whether to heat there homes or feed their families, be able to run a freezer or rely on expensive takeaways, whether to wash in hot or cold water, etc as being 'aspirational.

How you can consider aspiring to continue to accumulate more wealth on top of more than one person could possibly spend many lifetime over is acceptable goes beyond the thinking of any reasonable person.

It is typical tory mindset that poverty is caused by lack of aspiration at a time where wealth is being accumulated at the costs of more and more extreme poverty. Johnson wanted UK to be a third country... we are rapidly descending into becoming like a third word country. The only reason we don't have favelas in the UK is the NIMBYs would not tolerate them.

Sure it would be great if the entire UK population could aspire to be millionaires or billionaires, but I do not see how this could be sustained without hyperinflation. Also to achieve these noble suspirations GDP would have to increase to accommodate it as 68 million billionaires would mean that our GDP would be 68 million billion otherwise their wouldn't be 68 million billionaires, and that is 24,000 times the current UK GDP. Not a flight of fancy - just simple arithmetic.

Anyway, looking forward to your usual picking up on some pedantic issue and avoiding the substantive issue, let me guess - hot vs cold water?????

BY the way, and you may prefer to focus on this point instead - fuel poverty is defined as more than 10% of household income being spent on gas/electricity. This winter it is set to reach 37% of the State Pension.