Dorothy, we have a similar library card dance we do down here. If I lived one block north, I could just walk in and get one. My ex is in the same house so I borrow his water bill, the same one I've used for decades to renew my card.
It rained a little! Not hard, it's mostly thunder and lightning and some drizzle. The buildup of clouds has been wonderfully dark gray and dramatic.
Museum scanning done, and after at the gym I'm building back up with each visit. Yesterday 30 minutes, today almost 40. I usually go for 60 (pre-surgery) so that is again my goal. So far no one has been murdered in my book, but the characters are entering the inn.
An eBay listing sold overnight and the parcel went out today. I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow so will have more time to list others ready to go. Seven a week or one per day is my goal.