The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171548   Message #4150197
Posted By: robomatic
13-Aug-22 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: need YouTube series ideas
Subject: RE: BS: need YouTube series ideas
I have a very long personal list of YTs that catch various interests.

Among them:

Drachinifel - An English historiographer of world navies from age of sail to WW2 Battleships and Carriers. The man's an engineer who speaks quite well.11

3Blue1Brown - check it out

ACME Restoratiohns

Aging Wheels - crap cars in detail

Archetype - history with Mike Duncan

Bandsplaining - music

blancolirio - aviation events explained in detail by an aviator

Chubbyemu - medical stories presented in stomach churning detail

Cracking the Cryptic - sudokus in extremus

Democracy Now! - coherent non standard politics

The Dodo - nice warm hearted animal vids

Everyday Astronaut

Genetically Modified Skeptic - (a)religion

Grand Illusions - Very nice duffer goes through his collection of incunabula. Charming.

Holy Koolaid - exBeliever Bible eschatology

Hoover Institution - conservative talks/ interviews

Launch Pad Astronomy - JWST updates

Lindybeige - gifted English raconteur

Mathologer - maths stories and explanations

Mosfilm - full Russian films with English subs

They Got Away With Murder - Englishman expertly recounts true storiesm

This Does Not Compute - tech format wars

Veritasium - various subjects explained

Weber Auto - excellent analysis of cars and their parts

zefrank1 - a humorous look at nature