The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4150593
Posted By: Donuel
18-Aug-22 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Maga favorite things

Blacklists and boycots
and phone threats and vi'lence
Red hats with camo
and ammo in black vests
Its hard to know if they do as their told
All I know is that they'll never grow old

MAGA country has boycotted everything from CNN to the Oreo cookie; oftentimes making public display of themselves burning or destroying the offending merchandise.

Keeping track of the ever-growing MAGA blacklist can be difficult. To help, we’ve collected them all in one place. If you are a MAGA fan, you are obligated to avoid the following:

Conservatives Keep Blowing Up Things They Bought to Own Libs
Kelly Weill

Despite Walmart’s long-stereotyped status as a bastion of conservative middle America, one year ago the hashtag #BoycottWalmart spread among Trump supporters. The company’s offense? Third-party markets on Walmart’s website sold T-shirts with “Impeach Trump” and “Impeach 45” emblazoned on them. The nuance that Walmart didn’t actually produce the shirts—just acted as a host for third-party sales—was lost on Trump supporters however.

A Walmart spokesperson reiterated that the items were sold by a third party, and said they would reassess what is sold in the marketplace. “We’re removing these types of items pending review of our marketplace policies,” the spokesperson said.

Less than a year later, however, the company jumped back into MAGA hot water. The retail chain produced an ad in June featuring two gay men going on a first date at a Walmart. Naturally, Trump-boosting anti-LGBTQ hate groups were furious.

One Million Moms, a website started by the American Family Association, a powerful fundamentalist group, wrote that Walmart “decided to offend many of their conservative customers with their new video,” rather than remain neutral in the “culture war.” The website also started a petition urging Walmart to remove the ad.

Part of a christian’s mission statement is to “strengthen the moral foundations of American culture.” The organization has vehemently supported president Trump despite his multiple marriages and innumerable prostitutes. AFA president Tim Wildmon wrote a post early this year titled, “If Trump Fails, We All Lose,” re-affirming his support for the president. “One of the reasons President Trump has been taking unrelenting, incoming fire from the liberal elites... is precisely because he is not ashamed of the Bible, the Constitution, the family, or the free enterprise system.” Concluding: “The God-haters... are after President Trump because in many respects—politically speaking—to them he represents us.