The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4151056
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-Aug-22 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Earlier in the week I stopped at the local thrift store with the best clothing selection and prices and found a pair of shorts in my current size. And today I'm wearing them. As I took them off the hanger I wondered if this was the act that was going to bring summer to an end—not the "don't wear white after Labor Day" kind of act, but the "new shorts in August means it cools off so much I won't get to wear them much" act. Maybe I should have bought these in early July. :)

Last night I had the PBS channel "Create" on and watched a couple of episodes of Sewing with Nancy. That little half-hour a week was a tour-de-force for people who love to create through sewing, and last night they replayed two wonderful episodes - one on how to adjust patterns to fit you (shoulders and back measurements in this instance) and one on quilting for garments. Not the homemade garments that make you wince when you see them walking toward you in the mall, but the kind that are artistic masterpieces that suit high fashion. It makes me want to run to the sewing machine and start work on something. There is more than the ability to sew in those, there is an artistic eye to design. Can one learn that?

Time to do some picking up around the house, since I seem to have misplaced my favorite tea cup. No doubt I was moving from one place to another yesterday and stopped somewhere and set it down. Someplace not in my usual route (like from the office to the hall bathroom, with setting things on the table in the den on the way past) that I searched this morning.

Finishing an audio book this weekend in time for a new mystery, released on Aug. 30, to arrive via Amazon. Books on paper—I don't read as many of those these days—but I do like to have a hard copy of some of my favorites.

P.S. Found the mug - left in the microwave with yesterday's cup of cold tea. :)