Dilmana Dilbero: Here are the lyrics, the transliteration and an English translation. Please note that I don't speak Bulgarian so if the person who sang it has a better translation, please pm me. Thanks.
Дилмано дилберо, Дилмано дилберо
кажи ми как се сади пиперо (x2)
Да цъфти да върже, да цъфти да върже
да береш береш береш как сакаш (x2)
Помуни го побуцни го, помуни го побуцни го
та така се сади сади пиперо (x2)BEAUTIFUL DILMANA "Beautiful Dilmana, beautiful Dilmana
Tell me how to plant peppers? (x2)So that they bloom, they bind,
And I can have as much as I wish? (x2)""Push them deep, push them deep,
It's how you plant the peppers."Dilmano dilbero, Dilmano dilbero
kazhi mi kak se sadi pipero (x2)Da tsufti da vurzhe, da tsufti da vurzhe
da beresh beresh beresh kak sakash (x2)Pomuni go pobutsni go, pomuni go pobutsni go
ta taka se sadi sadi pipero (x2)Bulgarian lyrics with a transliteration, French and English translations on Tous aux Balkans website
Live rendition here.
Dilmano dilbero YouTube page
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