The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212 Message #4152256
Posted By: GerryM
13-Sep-22 - 02:05 AM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
This website was down for a few days, which prompted me to write these verses, and to sing them at the Mudcat Singaround of 12/13 September 2022, to the tune of Wild Mountain Thyme:
Oh, the wintertime is here [in Australia], And Mudcat's on the fritz. How will I learn my songs? I'm about to lose my wits.
Chorus: Will ye load, Mudcat, load, And we'll all browse together, Downloading lyrics From the electronic heather. Will ye load, Mudcat, load?
If the website should crash, Where will I find another? Fresno State? Mainly Norfolk? Or YouTube – what a bother!