The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169253   Message #4152396
Posted By: Joe Offer
13-Sep-22 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Jim Ringer/San Bernardino
Subject: Tracks: Waiting for the Hard Times....(Jim Ringer)
Jim Ringer's only Folk-Legacy album was Waitin' for the Hard Times to Go (1972)

This was his first recording, and he was recorded by Sandy Paton. At the time of this album's recording in 1972, Ringer did not posses a steady address and had spent much of his life as a traveling laborer, working various construction jobs as he drifted through the West.

Track Listing
  1. Waitin' for the Hard Times to Go
  2. Paradise
  3. Every Bush and Tree
  4. Towser Jenkins
  5. I Gotta Get Drunk
  6. Granny's Song
  7. California Joe
  8. Dreary Black Hills
  9. Ground so Poor That Grass Won't Grow
  10. Old Bill Pickett
  11. Going Away
  12. The Girl I Left Behind
  13. Black Waters
  14. I Believe If I Lived My Life Again (Hymn Song)