The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4153188
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
20-Sep-22 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux

Got here last Weds and did not recover from trip until Sunday. Found Library Internet does not seem to be available; I will ask tomorrow. Trying not to use much, on my “stick”, in the meantime.

What colour is Puce?

So glad I did not have to deal with the Charmion/Fanshawe sort of thing!!

I lost wonderful wool coats to moths in PA; Forgot there were such creatures when I lived at the farm where a lack of heat in winter froze the critters. And, being a slow learner, lost a couple good wool jackets since moving to the house in Chateauguay, which also does not freeze in winter!

Steve: Sorry to hear about your malaise! Sounds pretty scary. But, pray tell, what are biological detergents?? And what on earth is wrong with "wearing sandals, shorts and going barefoot”?

It has been Autumn in this part of Ontario for a week now. Leaves are turning lovely colours and some are dropping. The temps are holding above freezing for now but I shall definitely move into winter mode before I leave - about 3rd of October - Heaters in studio and bathroom and take off screen doors before snow creates difficulty. Swimming pools full of rain have fallen!

The floor in the kiln/tool room has not yet been replaced but BJ came today and we went to the lumberyard for the materials. He hopes to do it on Sunday. I heard that a month ago! - and had hoped it would be ready when I got back! The counters were left in the rain and started warping but he and his friend moved them today. I really need this completed so I can fire the accumulation of greenware and glaze a couple loads before I leave. I need to plan a way to leave finished ware available for the shop's Christmas season as I do not know when I shall be back. My plan includes staying for the 7 to 11 Cafe on last Friday and getting back to QC for the Brysonville School Revisited on the first Friday.

There is so much greenware, the baker’s rack on which I store it is more than half filled but I hope to get more made in any case. I don’t know when I will be back. The trip is clearly becoming more difficult for the aging bod. Today, neighbour Larry came with his trailer and a friend to remove the larger wheel and some of the brownish clay that needs to be re-claimed. I just find it takes too much out of my shoulders to do the wedging. I am upping my intake of MSM/GS to offset increasing discomfort but will not aggravate it by wedging. The lack of this wheel leaves more space in the studio for glazing/mixing glazes. I will stick to using white clay for a while.

The house in Chateauguay reached a moderate level of clean before son and friend arrived. We had an excellent visit, stress-free! My son’s whole being is de-cluttered with the lack of the albatross and the addition of a more suitable partner in his life. He is relaxed and HAPPY! Both my sons are happy - what a gift!   I was not able to give them things - as they have been working to fit two households into one. Tenley did choose two nice pieces of fabric to take along. And a beautiful Sari given me by my mother about 40 years ago. I hope she gets more use of it than I did! At that time, I would have appreciated a bit of cash, not an expensive sari. Aside from my birth, it was the only thing she gave me that I valued; I am very glad that Tenley loves it. It was still in the plastic bag in which I received it!

I tried to give son a beautiful wooden box he made in high school and gave me; I wanted to be sure he got it back. He preferred to know that I still had it and treasured it. I do! I suppose I can put a note in it so that it will be returned to him eventually. At 85, I am deeply concerned about this sort of thing. I still treasure a few small pieces from my grandmother.