The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171731   Message #4154385
Posted By: GUEST,email from Ted Warmbrand
08-Oct-22 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: Req: Gooney Bird Song
Subject: Gooney Bird Song
Hi Joe ...stumped again…in the 1950s there was a novelty song

First verse (as best I rercall):

Once there was a gooney bird
Who lived in a big bell tower
And every time the bird would sing
The bellsl would ring the hour
He’d open up his little mouth’
And gayly start to sing
When the great big bell went “BING BANG
The middle sized bell went CLANG CLANG CLANG
The tiny little bell went TINGALINGALING
And nobody ever heard that gooney bird sing

(Third verse has a happy ending…but I can’t find it )

Who wrote and sang it? Where can I hear it again?
