The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31831   Message #415445
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Mar-01 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: Performers Excess Drinking at Their Gig
Subject: RE: Performers Excess Drinking at Their Gig
I keep thinking what a wake-up call this thread must be to some of the people reading it and not posting. I'm having trouble myself believing the articulate and thorough agreement most of us seem to be sharing. It was scary to post as strongly as I did.... and I'm so glad to see this issue discussed.

I don't think most communities are real solid until they confront issues of dysfunctionality-- tiptoeing around the elephants in the living room, and all that.

But I'd like people who are struggling wiht this to know I am thinking of you, too. I bet I am not the only one among those posting, or not posting, who has tried to help in the past. If not you, someone like you. There is help out there. You know where it is, too... I wish you the best life can offer, you know. You can count on me to be in your cheering section if you decide to change your life. I promise... it really can be better. There IS a part of you, however small and hurt, that knows that... and if you let that part of you be in charge, you can really DO IT. You will be surprised how much help there actually is, too, once you get honest with yourself.
