The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167430   Message #4154783
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
12-Oct-22 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: Maritime work song in general
Subject: RE: Maritime work song in general
Mr. Editor, Having these several days past swept the “Political Horizon” with my Dollond's day and night telescope, I have, in common no doubt with many of my old shipmates, been highly elated with the idea of once more getting our corns soaked in salt-water; musing by the space of a dog-watch over my nuts and swizzle, I yesterday spun the following yarn, which is at your service.         Luff!

Air—“A reg'lar capstan, stamp and go.”

BRING to, clap on, both thick and dry,
Heave round, my lads, so cheerly;
Once more “Blue Peter” bids good b'ye
To the land we love so dearly.
The sheets are home, the haulyards man,
Our ship she casts to sea, boys,
Up-cheer the man who leads the van,
Our King! with three times three, boys.

Come clear the decks, in order place
The bottles and the glasses;
All hands a-hoy! splice the main-brace,
And toast our favourite lasses:
Now fill a bumper, all prepare,
So hearty and so free, boys;
Up—cheer the fairest of the fair,
Our Queen! with three times three, boys.

Britannia's made of good old stuff,
And trimly put together;
She’ll wear and stay, in smooth and rough,
In calm or stormy weather:
No vessel boasts a stauncher crew,
Her officers ne'er fail her,
Commanded by a Captain too,
Who's every inch a sailor.

Close-hauled, and free, and all aback,
Strange sails strange courses steer now;
Britons! keep on your good old tack,
With “very well, thus”—“no near” now:-
But should they dare to cross our hawse,
And brave our flag so free, boys,
Up-cheer the tar who'll lead our cause—
The King! with three times three, boys.

Huzza! huzza! huzza! &c.
Our King! with three times three, boys.”
[Luff's Lay, The United Service Journal, Pt.I, 1831, p.356]