The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31859   Message #415504
Posted By: nutty
11-Mar-01 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you do it for pleasure or money?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you do it for pleasure or money?
Lucy .... my friends and I always did it for pleasure ( sing that is )until people started offering us money

This has both advantages and disadvantages

The advantages are that we now get paid for going to festivals that in the past we paid to go to but also knowing that other people get so much enjoyment from what we do is a reward in itself

The main disadvantage has been that we now have to take a more professional approach to performance ..... the voices have to last over the weekend so boozy late - night sings have been curtailed ..... words have to be learnt properly ( no hamming it up in front of the mics ) ... we are now aware that people are paying to hear us - so we need to give value for money

But ultimately we still do it for love